operational command

美 [ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃənl kəˈmænd]英 [ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənl kəˈmɑːnd]
  • 作战指挥;作战司令部
operational commandoperational command
  1. Design of Communication Protocol in Operational Command System of Weather Modification


  2. The system info conceive of fire operational command technology and application


  3. Study of Space Operational Command System


  4. An Evaluation Model with Algorithms on Artillery Operational Command Efficiency


  5. You know , we have operational command of this aircraft .


  6. Field air defense c ~ 3i and air defense operational command control


  7. The concept of fire operational command technology is confined and classified .


  8. Modeling and Verification of Operational Command Based on UML / Petri net


  9. Research on Evaluation of Operational Command Capability for Armored Regiment under Information Condition


  10. The Evaluation Method of the Capability of the Operational Command Counter of Air Defense Forces


  11. Operational command system is a complex system , and Entropy theory is an effective tool to research complex system .


  12. Army operational command system of America


  13. Research on Cultivation of the Joint Operational Command Personnel in Academies of Military Transportation


  14. Pondering on Perfection of the Radar Troop Operational Command System


  15. Improving operational command systems .


  16. The Distribute Interation Operational Command Training Simulation System and the Support of Military Surveying and Mapping


  17. The mobility support technique of shipborne network is one of the important key techniques of shipborne operational command system .


  18. In practice , the simulation result has been applied to an operational command system using outer program interface technique of Matlab .


  19. Secondly , a thorough and systematic analysis on major influencing factors in Artillery Operational Command Efficiency is carried out .


  20. The Challenge and Resolution of RoHS to Electronic and Electrical Industry ; Complex Electromagnetic Environment Effects on EW Operational Command System


  21. The events have been combinatory logic of alarm , control pattern , process mode , operational command and feedback signals .


  22. By using the operational command such as PID , the temperature of the furnace can change accurately according to the temperature controlling curve .


  23. The exact localization of reconnaissance objectives will change the means of warfare and enhance the timeliness of operational command .


  24. The aim of the project is to divide the commanders operational command capability index system , and to realize evaluating it by using two-level fuzzy synthesis evaluation model .


  25. Still , the related efficiency evaluation on Artillery Operational Command lacks an exact quantitative method of the whole and is mostly confined to qualitative studies with subjective judgments .


  26. The theory of Artillery Operational Command appeared rather late , yet it has developed greatly within a few years to yield such mature Operational Methods as Automatic Command based on C4ISR today .


  27. Through aspect-oriented requirements analysis specification of requirements become more structure-clear and modularity further improved . Finally , the paper verifies the rationality of the method through the case of air defense operational command information system .


  28. Operational command and communications support information resources is an important component of the military information resources . It is also an indispensable resources of the military strategy in the informationization of the military and the future information warface .


  29. At present , in order to realize the highly integrated automation for command , control , communication and information security , to meet the requirements of modern warfare on the operational command , China is vigorously developing C3I systems .


  30. Based on it , the fuzzy mathematical method is used to establish a fuzzy synthetic evaluation model of the counter capability . Accordingly , it provides a method to evaluate the capability of the operational command counter of air defense forces .
